EDUPEDIKA: Jurnal Studi Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran 2024-07-28T11:14:59+00:00 M. Gunawan Supiarmo Open Journal Systems <p>EDUPEDIKA: Jurnal Studi Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran</p> DAMPAK KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH TERKAIT SISTEM ZONASI PENDIDIKAN STUDY DI SMAN 1 AIKMEL 2024-02-29T14:42:15+00:00 Baiq Rina Agustini <p>Education is a learning process that a person goes through to gain knowledge. Education in Indonesia is not evenly distributed, so the government has issued a zoning system policy. The aim of this research is to determine the impact of implementing the study zoning system policy at SMAN 1 AIKMEL. The approach in this research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type of research. The data sources in this research are interviews and observations. Data analysis uses a 3-stage flow, 1) data condensation, 2) data display, 3) drawing conclusions and results. The results of this research are to determine the negative and positive impacts on school quality and students.</p> 2024-02-29T14:33:06+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EDUPEDIKA: Jurnal Studi Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran PEMANFAATAN MEDIA SOSIAL DALAM PEMBELAJARAN 2024-07-28T11:12:15+00:00 Ainul Mardiah <p>Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih membuat dunia pendidikan berevolusi menjadi lebih luwes. Perkembangan media sosial membuat kinerja menjadi lebih cepat, tepat, dan akurat, sehingga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas yang dihasilkan. Salah satu yang menjadi pengguna media sosial terbanyak saat ini adalah para pelajar atau siswa atau mahasiswa. Karena dengan menggunakan media sosial, para siswa dapat dengan mudah berkomunikasi jarak dekat maupun jauh tanpa harus terbatas ruang dan waktu untuk berjumpa. Dengan perkembangannya yang sangat pesat, sehingga menjadikan media sosial sebagai media pembelajaran yang banyak digunakan oleh pendidik saat ini. Selain untuk memanfaatkan keberadaan media sosial, juga untuk mengeksplorasi kreativitas dalam mengembangkan pembelajaran yang lebih efektif dan fleksibel.</p> 2024-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EDUPEDIKA: Jurnal Studi Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH DALAM PENANAMAN NILAI-NILAI ANTI KORUPSI MELALUI KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN 2024-07-28T11:14:59+00:00 fatmawati <p><em>Corruption is an act that is detrimental to the state and the people. Eradicating corruption cannot be resolved simply by hoping for law enforcement in this country. For this reason, preventive measures need to be taken, one of which is through education. The aim of this research is to determine the implementation of government policies in integrating anti-corruption values ​​through educational curricula, the implementation of anti-corruption education in schools, and the role of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in efforts to prevent corruption from an early age. The research method used in this research is a case study method with data collection techniques through literature review. The data analysis technique used is the Miles and Huberman Model. Based on the research results, it can be seen that the implementation of government policy in instilling anti-corruption values ​​is carried out using several mechanisms starting from the Model activated in all subjects, the Model outside of learning, the Civilization Model, practicing values ​​in all school activities and atmosphere, the combined Model. The Corruption Eradication Commission's form of corruption prevention effort is carrying out anti-corruption outreach and education in schools by involving teachers.</em></p> 2024-07-28T11:14:58+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EDUPEDIKA: Jurnal Studi Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran