Sosialisasi Dampak Pernikahan Dini Perspektif Pendidikan, Kesehatan Dan Ekonomi Di Desa Pringgabaya Utara

  • Baiq Hadiyani STEI Hamzar Lombok Timur
  • Baiq Sulfiana STEI Hamzar Lombok Timur
  • Ristina Wahyu Astuti STEI Hamzar Lombok Timur
  • Via Widia Wati STEI Hamzar Lombok Timur
  • Muhamad Hirjan STEI Hamzar Lombok Timur
  • Muhammad Haris Zarkasi STEI Hamzar Lombok Timur
  • Sopiana Lestari STKIP Hamzar
Keywords: Preventive, Socialization, Education, Economy, health


Early marriage is one of the crucial problems experienced by the Indonesian national, especially as NTB The province is the first province for women before the age of 18. So there is a need for cooperation from all agencies in preventing this problem, one of which is by having a comprehensive understanding of the causes and consequences of early marriage as a preventive measure for this problem. So this socialization activity is very important to change people's understanding regarding the causes and impacts of early marriage. This service activity was carried out using the socialization method and took place in the hall building with the  Pringgabaya Utara village office. After conducting socialization, they believe that early marriage brings losses in terms of education, health and economics.


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